Yakuza Like a Dragon PS4 RISE FROM ROCK BOTTOM: Ichiban Kasuga, a low-ranking grunt of a low-ranking yakuza family in Tokyo, faces an 18-year prison sentence after taking the fall for a crime he didn’t commit. Never losing faith, he loyally serves his time and returns to society to discover that no one was waiting for him on the outside, and his clan has been destroyed by the man he respected most LEVEL UP FROM UNDERDOG TO DRAGON IN DYNAMIC RPG COMBATE. Experience dynamic RPG combat like none other Switch between 19 unique Jobs. They range from Bodyguard to Musician, and use the battlefield your weapon. Take up bats umbrellas, bikes, street signs, and everything else at your disposal to crack some skulls.
Yakuza Like a Dragon PS4 Price In Pakistan
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- A lengthy late-game level grind made completing its story more of a drudge than it needed to be though
- meaning that although I found Like a Dragon to initially be as refreshing as a can of Suntory Highball
- by the end I felt as weary as someone who’d had a few cans too many.
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