Set in the ninja-inspired land of Kamura Village, explore lush ecosystems and battle fearsome monsters to become the ultimate hunter It’s been half a century since the last calamity struck but a terrifying new monster has reared its head and threatens to plunge the land into chaos once again Hunt solo or in a party
Monster Hunter Rise for Nintendo Switch Price in Pakistan
- Monster Hunter Rise for Nintendo Switch Price in Pakistan Go on a hunt wherever you want
- slay ferocious wild monsters solo or co-operatively with friends, and forge powerful weapons and armour from your spoils in this sprawling action RPG.
- The sighting of a terrifying monster of legend signals the return of a catastrophic event, which threatens to bring chaos to Kamura Village.
- With the aid of the village elder and the local residents, you must sharpen your hunting skills and save this peaceful settlement from an onslaught of monsters.
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